Vel Navitas takes pride in building sustainable energy solutions that are of exceptional quality and workmanship, using high quality components manufactured by leading electronic brands, such as ABB, Schneider, Victron, SMA and Fronius, SolarEdge. This allows us to support our clients with the comfort of knowing that their investments are backed and supported by reliable global brands.

Module’s technology has been quite slow moving forward with minimal changes in the efficiency of modules, rising from 16% up to 23.4%. The greatest changes have come from Bifacial modules allowing for generation of power happening on Both sides of the module. In this area we have a range of partners and different construction materials, each product is specifically picked for the system design and the client’s pocket.

We have invested considerable technical and financial resources in research and development in order to continuously improve our solutions, to offer systems with greater energy generational efficiency and lower degradational rates. With Energy Storage a hot topic and the current usage of lithium with no proper recycling process, we have been heavily investing time in alternative energy storage systems, with a new design for better energy density and greater control of throughput.

ABB, Fronius, Victron, Outback, SolarEdge
JA solar, Canadian, Solar Frontier, Longi, Renewsys
Solar MD, Freedom One, Blue Nova, Telsa


Our energy solutions are constructed to International regulations standard. Almost always we are ahead of our competitors with preventive maintenance producers and technical knowledge of system upgrades, allowing us to always be ahead of the crowd. Quality installations forward thinking, allows us to gain insight of the possible down time of the system and regularly predict when issues should occur and rectify them before the client has even picked up there was one to start with.

Using Less Water
Water is one of our most precious natural resources. We live on the driest continent on the planet, and we run the risk of running out of fresh water in the future. Traditional electricity production can use thousands of litres of water each year. Water is used for cooling generators, processing and refining fuel and transporting fuel through pipes.
Reducing Air Pollution
The air we breathe can help or hinder our health and wellbeing. Electricity generation from fossil fuels can generate harmful carbon dioxide and methane gases that lower the quality of the air we breathe. Breathing poor quality air on a daily basis can have dire consequences for our health.
Slowing Climate Change
The release of toxic gases into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, doesn’t just contribute to air pollution, but also contributes to the enhanced greenhouse effect. While the greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface to a livable temperature, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
Reducing Carbon Footprint
Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy, and it’s an extremely effective way of your household to become more efficient and sustainable. Solar panels don’t use any water to generate electricity, they don’t release harmful gases into the environment, and the source of their energy is abundant and, best of all, free. Using solar energy instead of the grid also means you reduce the need for carbon dioxide emitting energy to be produced for the grid on your behalf.
Reducing Reliance on Fossil Fuel
Solar energy supplies are massive; if we could harness all of the sunlight shining on the earth for just one hour, we could use that energy to power the entire world for a whole year. The sunshine used in solar energy production is free, and there’s lots of it. On the other hand, fossil fuels are running out, and fast. Reducing our reliance on these finite resources and taking advantage of an abundant, free source of energy, such as sunlight, could mean lower energy prices, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a stronger, more stable energy future.